about this website

What this website is about?
This website contains information on damselflies and dragonflies in Greece, what and where.

What can you find here (the description of the menu)?

I will try to summarize each section.

Information per family

Here you can find each family presented (ex.  Calopterygidae), and the list of species belonging to the family. Each species has a short presentation: basic description, habits, flight-period, photos of both sexes, exuvia and characters for identifying larvae or exuvia (prementum, antenna or other needed characters …) (not now but hope to fill all this gaps in the future). Also distribution maps are given which are presented with Google Maps. Clicking on a dot on the maps will open a pop-up window which will give detail on the record. The records on the map are from personal data, third party data (ex. photographed by XY), from personal collection or museum collection (ex. in Col. XY) and/or published records (ex. published by XY (year) ZW…).


This page contains references to all literature on Greece Odonata, also mentioned if the title is available as PDF. When I will receive editor/author accept that title(s) will be also available for download.


Just short mentions… for example: today I have been there and seen that (possibly photos added), or today worked on that collection, or the records from  XY literature title is now added there, or trying to find what species you can see in that photo.


A page for Odonata with general information will be builded (morphology/biology/etology…).

Species list

And finally you have a link to a list with all species.


People(s)/institution(s) who contributed in a way at the development of this website.